Location     Contact Us     Employment

We’re NOT on the east coast! Prince Edward County is about 2-1/2 hours from Toronto and 3-1/2 hours from Ottawa, just south off the 401, a short hop from Belleville and Trenton. We’re on that unusual peninsula that sticks out into Lake Ontario, and that’s part of the magic that makes our micro-climate perfect for grape growing. By latitude, we sit a little south of France’s famed Burgundy wine region.

Harwood Estate Vineyards
18908 Loyalist Parkway
Hillier, Ontario, Canada K0K 2J0

Barrie, ON3:00
Belleville, ON0:30
Brampton, ON3:00
Cobourg, ON1:30
Guelph, ON3:30
Hamilton, ON3:30
Kingston, ON1:00
Kitchener, ON3:30
London, ON4:30
Mississauga, ON3:00
Montreal, QC4:00
Niagara Falls, ON4:00
North Bay, ON4:30
Oshawa, ON2:00
Ottawa, ON3:00
Peterborough, ON1:30
Sudbury, ON5:00
Syracuse, NY, USA3:00
Toronto, ON2:30
Watertown, NY, USA2:00
Estimates from ChatGPT

– Contact Us –

Phone: 855-668-9463 (855-ONT-WINE)

Email: winery@harwood.co

Or Tap to use a Secure Contact Form

– Employment –

Email: jobs@harwood.co

For any and all types of employment at Harwood Estate Vineyards & Winery, or at Harwood Hospitality (Accommadations), please begin with an introductory email to the address above and include you resumé either in the text of the email or as an attached PDF file. We cannot open wordprocessor files such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

Full-time Tasting Room applicants who are fluent in English and at least conversant in a second language, such as French, will be favoured.

In addition to full-time positions, Harwood has employment opportunities at various times of the year, on a seasonal basis. We are highly focused on hiring people from within our local region of Ontario.