What do we do with our used barrels?
We use them all over again.
Perhaps in our Tasting Room.
Or maybe you’ll put one in your living room, or on your patio!

We use a large number of barrels at Harwood

We use them to age our premium red wines and to ferment and mature our fine Chardonnays. But a barrel can only elevate wine for a period of time and, one day, it will go into retirement. Such a shame, because the barrels we use are high-quality pieces of fine craftwork, made to a higher standard than much commercially-made furniture. The joinery must be perfect because a wine barrel cannot leak.

Take, for instance, the beautiful barrels from the fabled Tronçais forest in Central France. They are masterpieces in oak that can bring pleasure long after their brief fling with wine because we will craft them into long-lasting artistic treasures.

The picture below shows several creations that we have regularly on-hand, or can create for you in short order.

They are priced as cut, sanded, assembled and unfinished pieces, but finished versions are available at about $40 more than the unfinished price (depending on your requirements).

We do supply a guide for finishing Barrel Art in easy steps that even the inexperienced can manage easily and require no tools.

Two standing (or stool) tables
($262 + HST sold separately)

Two end tables, coffee tables, night stands
($158 + HST sold as pair only)

Barrels come in differing dimensions. Some are ideal for side tables and some are large enough to support a dining room table.

End tables are made from the same barrel that has been cut in half.

Winery Chair made entirely of barrel staves (Adirondack or Muskoka style)
($298 + HST sold separately)

We waste almost no part of our fine oak wine barrels. When they’re no longer useful for winemaking, after several years, we convert the heads, hoops and staves to furnishings worthy of their distinguished service.

The natural curves of barrel staves make our Winery Chairs very comfortable.

Barrel Top Table with non-barrel legs
($198 + HST sold separately)
(Coming back in stock soon)

For Barrel Top Tables, we can also offer a selection of alternate supports, such as the metal legs shown here.

These tables are made with the entire top from a barrel, taken down to the second hoop.

Here. are some creations from our Pinterest site. We may, or may not have them on-hand right now, but we can certainly provide an ordered item within ten business days:

The best way to choose a Barrel Art creation is to visit us at out Hillier, Prince Edward County, Ontario winery. All tables, chairs, stools, planters and who-knows-what-else are on display there. The selection is constantly changing.

Barrel Art creations are substantial in weight, being made entirely from tight oak (and some have stainless steel hoops). Shipping can be quoted using various common carriers. Or, If you’re interested in a specific piece and want measurements to see if it will fit into your own vehicle, email us at


For general information, please phone us between 11 AM and 5 PM Eastern time, any day of the week…
