[ Also, check our Gatherings and Weddings pages ]

[ Here’s a list of Wine Tour Companies who visit us ]

We are frequently asked…

Q. What is the travel time between Wineries in The County?
A. Rough estimate, about 10 to 15-minutes as long as you stay with wineries that are fairly close together on the map ( https://recommended.tours/pec/ ). The County is a lot bigger than it looks on a map and there are several clusters of great wineries, breweries, cideries and distliieries…each cluster worthy of an entire visit if not several visits!

Q. Is there a list of all the Wineries, Breweries, Cideries, Meaderies and Distilleries in the County, or in Ontario?
A. Yes! There is such a list for all of Ontario and it’s quite complete because the establishements aren’t required to join, or pay, or even update their own listings; the info is taken right from their websites. Here is the link:

We’re OPEN from 11 AM to 6 PM every day for indoor, seated Wine and Beer Tastings, in-store shopping and purchase, curbside pickup and telephone or online ordering.

855-668-9463 (855-ONT-WINE)

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